Today my mom was over to help me with the kids and we decided to face up to the cold and to make some homemade icecream. I got this icecream maker a couple of years ago as a gift and I’ve only used it one other time. I decided to make vanilla icecream since it was the easiest recipe and just required mixing.
The ingredients – pretty simple!! The measuring cup has sugar in it.
Mixing up all the ingredients
Giving Autumn some love while it mixes
Nathan checks to make sure we added enough vanilla
Nathan turns the icecream maker on
Watching it turn – 30 minutes till its done!
All done!
Nathan got in his booster chair in record time to eat his icecream. Here he is adding green sprinkles.
Nathan’s icecream he decorated with sprinkles
A bite
Another bite… He really enjoyed it!! After he ate his bowl of icecream I asked him if he wanted more and he said, “Yes a lot more please.” Haha!
Autumn wishing she could have some icecream