Yesterday I mentioned how Jeremi made a sticker chart for Nathan and how we were going to start potty training back up. WELLLLL… ==DRUMROLL== Nathan went pee pee THREE TIMES on the potty today. So, he got 1 hot wheels for each time. This boy is going to break us! We will raise the stake if this keeps up! Jeremi kept him on an hour each time and he went. I got him 10 more hot wheels at Target for this week and I got him one of those popular skateboards for 2.99 if he poops (that will not happen anytime soon I am sure). He will get a star sticker if he sits and a special sticker if he pee’s. I got him some cute special stickers at the Teachers Lounge for pee’ing- scratch and sniff, vehicles, bugs and alphabet ones. Here is a picture of his chart now with his three ‘special’ stickers. I hope tomorrow is a success, too!
We did not go to the Teacher’s Lounge today for story time and craft because we all slept in since Jeremi was off work! My mom did not come over so we will go next week. We are doing a craft tomorrow, though, and I am so excited about it. We are making PATTY CAKES! More on that tomorrow…