I always have so much fun making up Nathan’s Easter basket each year, but this year I had another basket to make up– Autumn’s! It is getting harder and harder to ‘hide’ these Easter baskets from Nathan, too! I am a bargain shopper so believe it or not, I got MOST of the items in their baskets super cheap (on sale or Target $1 spot) or free by using the Amazon giftcards I am earning on Swagbucks (I earn a $5 gift card EVERY 5 days!!! So easy!).
Every year I have gotten Nathan a stuffed Peep. This year I found a really cool one that chirps AND rolls (it has wheels) on EBay new with tags– except its PINK! Oh well! So both kids are getting pink stuffed Peeps this Easter.
Here are both of the baskets:
Nathan’s Basket
Autumn’s Basket
Then here are the baskets wrapped… NOW, I need to work on the Easter eggs for the egg hunt.
Also, I wanted to share Nathan’s Easter baskets from his first two Easters… Here is his basket from last year:
And this was his Easter basket on his first Easter. There is a cloth photo book in there and he loved it as a baby, I put a photo book for Autumn in her basket for her first Easter.