I put my fall decorations out, but I was missing something important- GHOSTS! Nathan loves ghosts and I went to Target and picked up some ‘trash bag ghosts’ or at least that is what it said on the outside of the bag. Although, I think next year I will buy bigger ghosts because from the street they really do not show up. OH well. Nathan had a blast helping Mommy hang them from the tree. Actually, it was too hard to left Nathan up while I sat on a child’s chair (I know, I know, I should have gotten a ladder out. I realized this after he kicked me in the head several times…) so I gave him a small branch from the tree and we hung one of the ghosts on it. HE LOVED having his own ghost tree branch! heheheh!
Nathan and his tree branch ghost
Nathan flying his spooky ghost. BTW, we just got a new white vinyl fence for our backyard- isn’t it spiffy? I need to take more photos of my backyard with the new fence. It is SO nice to be able to lock the kids in the yard! hee, hee!
Here is our spoooooky tree. Yeah, the ghosts are too small. Oops. Oh, and see our new windows that we just got? Sorry, I guess I should have blogged about our new windows, too! Maybe I will blog about that later because Jeremi also bought us new blinds for all of the windows and hung them.
I can’t believe I got him to sit still for a picture.
Putting spiderwebs on a bush is quite… challenging… seriously- it is an activity for only those with patience and creativity. I think they turned out ok? Nathan placed the spider’s on the webs for me…
My mums… so pretty! I am sure we’ll have a frost soon with the crazy winterish weather we have had here lately.
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