I decided to ‘borrow’ the interview questions from Mel or whoever started this 🙂 It was so much fun! I can’t wait to do this yearly and to include Autumn in it next year!
~What is something mommy always says to you?
That Spongebob Squarepants is silly.
~ What makes mommy happy?
Driving her car (We were in my car while I was asking him these questions.)
~ What makes mommy sad?
When I run in the house
~ How does your mommy make you laugh?
By acting silly and making silly noises
~ How old is your mommy?
60 (That is Grandma’s age, however, I asked him again later and he said 20. I will take the second answer! Ha!)
~ How tall is your mommy?
Let me count. 1, 2, 3, 4. You are 4 tall.
~ What is your mommy really good at?
Hanging up tools (Uhh, ok?)
~ What does your mommy do for her job?
Make money (I have never really told Nathan what I do at work, so we had a discussion about it while I was giving him a bath tonight.)
~ What is your mommy’s favorite food?
Brocolli (I think he said this because I love the awesome pasta con brocolli I make and I am STILL trying to get him to like it!)
~ What makes mommy proud of you?
When I do crafts at school for you
~ What do you and your mommy do together?
~ How do you know your mommy loves you?
Because you sweet to me
~ Where is your mommy’s favorite place to go?
To work (Umm, NOT!), but then he said to parks and museums, too
~ What song do you like Mommy to sing to you?
This Little Gospel Light of Mine (Nathan and Autumn love to blow the light out)