I got a surprise phone call today, and it was someone I haven’t seen since 2000? She is an old family friend, and she reads my blog and is a FB friend. She came by and brought me a basket that her and her husband had won a bid on at their church’s trivia. She thought I would like it, since I have always loved lighthouses… and, it really is such a cute basket! How sweet of her to do this, it really sweetened my day! So, OF COURSE, I had to do a blog post with pictures of the cute basket.
Here is the basket, and she included a lighthouse card along with it.
Aren’t these little lighthouse bears adorable?
I was super excited to see that one of the bears is a Thomas KinKade bear! How neat!
Here are the other bears
This is such a drab picture, but here is one of the shelves in my curio cabinet that has the lighthouses on it. Of course, the Thomas KinKade bear will now have a home with them.
And, Nathan, of course, is giving the other bears lots of love. Eventually, he will tire of them and I will snatch them back. heehee!
Thank you!!! My friend Janna also just recently shipped me another box of clothes (Gymboree!) for little Miss Autumn. I am forever grateful! Hope to snatch some pictures of them and to share what cute things she sent me in the next week.