Wow! They really need to give Mother’s the day off work after Mother’s Day! I am exhausted today!
1. Clean/Organize Basement – Play Area. I am still working on this section of the basement. I have noticed Nathan has a LOT of cars. Lots. I have two Pottery Barn wicker baskets that are filled with JUST Hot Wheels. I also need to find a larger storage tub for all of their legos. Is there any good way to store legos other then just throwing them in a tub? Then, I never realized how many balls they have… I feel that a lot of this cleaning has been SORTING things into groups… I really hope to have it all together before Nathan’s birthday party for our family on May 21st, because he will be coming downstairs to see his new N train layout and I don’t want him to see I am ‘disturbing’ his toys just yet. LOL. 🙂
2. Mail Pile – Ugh. Mail pile is STILL there. Haven’t touched it.
3. Reading – Water for Elephants. I was at 57% last week, at 75%! Hope to finish it and see the movie this weekend. A coworker said the movie isn’t all so great, hopefully someone will tell me otherwise because I am really looking forward to it! She said there is a lack of chemisty in it between the two main characters. Its really hard to stop reading the book, though! The Pillars of the Earth miniseries are really, really good. I am half way through them right now, and although they have changed some things around from the original book, its worth watching! It does have some gory parts, though. :p
4. Landscaping in Backyard – Need to start on this, as I can’t really get anything done when I have the kids… but, a kid free weekend is in my future. The goal this weekend is to extend the bed, till the dirt (goodbye weeds!) and mulch it. Then, another weekend we will move some perennials back over and plant some new ones, too! I really would like to shop for some annuals this weekend, too, to add some color!
5. I am feeling back up to running again… In fact, I plan to run for the first time since February tonight! Last year I ran a 10K, however I am not sure what I will start at tonight. I am going to try 2 miles, and see where it goes. Hoping to add a half mile a week until I get back to where I was last February. I want to run 4x a week, so I can run a 10K in October, a warrior dash and I want to train for a half marathon next April! I love running, so this goal shouldn’t be hard to keep!