Last Friday the weather was fairly nice, so I decided to take the kids to Arnold City Park after work since its really close to my house. Here is Nathan sitting on a rock by the water fountain. I remember the first time I ever took Nathan to this park, the lake was frozen over and geese were walking on it.
Nathan loves to throw rocks in the water. We even saw a turtle! Sorry these are pictures from my Android phone, so they aren’t the best quality.
Autumn’s favorite part was the playground. Here she is on the baby swing. It was funny, when I first pushed her she got so scared! She hasn’t been on a baby swing since last summer! But, she found out what fun it was real quick and asked to be swung higher and higher!
Autumn also loved the slides… she is fearless. There was one especially tall slide I told her that was for BIG kids, just because I was nervous about her climbing up so high. Yes, I am such a paranoid Mommy! This one is cute, she asked I slide down after her and she held her hands out to catch ME! Ha!
I hope I have time to take the kids to more parks this summer, especially new ones! We love to explore!