Last night my little baby went to sleep for the last time as a two year old. She had her precious little binky in her mouth, the last part of her being a baby still. Binky goes away after Thanksgiving, and as much as I hate the binky, it still makes me sad that its yet another page turned in her life. I wanted to jot down some memories from the last year, the 2’s of Autumn’s life:
1. Bitty Baby, baby babies, Dora babies and Momma dolls, Dora Momma, etc. – Autumn loves babies and Mommas. She has a Little Mommy bassinet and it is filled to the rim with little Momma and baby dolls. She also has her Bitty Baby that she carries everywhere and needs in her bed with her at night.
2. Binky – Autumn loves her binky. Two binky! She has to always have two binkys, one in her mouth and one in her hand she can hold up to her nose for comfort.
3. Autumn learned how to use the potty (both pee pee, poo poo and she wears undies to bed!). She is such a big girl! We started training her last May. Nathan we didn’t even start till he turned 3! Boys and girls are SO different!!
4. Dishes and Sink/Water play – Autumn loves pouring water into cups and pouring it out. She could do this for hours.
5. Doggys/puppies – Autumn LOVES my Mom’s puppy Annee.
6. BroBro – Autumn’s relationship with Nathan has really blossomed. They both get very competitive and jealous of each other, but I know they both really love and care for each other. They play and interact A LOT now, more and more as Autumn gets older. It is so fun to watch. Autumn LOVES to mimic her brother, she really watches him.
7. Pink – If it is pink, Autumn likes it
8. Momma – Autumn has a really strong bond with me, she is a total Momma’s girl. I am curious to see if this will continue or change going into 3.
9. Bag Lady – Autumn loves to take things and put them in her baby doll stroller. For instance, her doll house she got for her birthday, she put all the furniture and dolls into her stroller. She is such a silly girl! She even put my childhood tea set in the stroller before her birthday party and I was wondering where it went because not a piece was left on the play table I had set up. She just loves keeping HER things right by her in that stroller!
10. Love – Autumn has so much love in her, she is really such a sweet girl. She has the biggest brown eyes and smile in our family. I love her so much.
Her Dad had her tonight after work on her birthday, and she was asleep when he brought her back to my house at 7:30pm. I went to the mall tonight to get her one last gift to give her on her birthday, and I was so sad that she was so tired that I had to put her right into bed without opening it. So, here is the birthday girl with her unopened birthday gift. She will open it tomorrow, I got her a new pair of shoes, those ever popular Twinkle Toe shoes that light up. Happy Birthday my sleepy girl!