I didn’t get the kids back from their Dad until 2pm today, and I was so glad once I had them back. I must say, going on Facebook in the morning and seeing everyone posting photos of their kids opening gifts made me very sad. But, such is life. I decided since the kids opened their presents yesterday, I would leave one gift for them to open today and their stockings. It seemed to go over really well, and was a great idea of mine, I must say. :o)- Here is Nathan with his stocking.
All the stuffings in his stocking. Can’t wait to put the Angry Bird shirt on him tomorrow.
Autumn and her stocking
And, all of Autumn’s goodies
Autumn’s dress up doll
Finally a picture of Nathan with his scooter…
I had to include this picture. Yeah, yeah… Crazy boy with his tongue hanging out with flashing scooter wheels. I think he may just love this scooter.
Here is a picture of Autumn with her Bitty Twins. I am not sure how she can fit herself and her babies in her wagon, but she can!
And, here is Autumn by her house. A HUGE 5′ cardboard house that GRANDMA bought and thought I had room for… I don’t. But, it makes Autumn happy, so I think I can tolerate it. ha, ha! I should have taken a picture of all the stuff she put inside it, cough cushions, bandaids, dolls, her socks, etc. Pack rat! heheh.