Jill is a girl I work with, and she is expecting her second child later this summer. She has a daughter that is a little younger then Nathan, but she had the sniffles so she couldn’t come along for the photo session. Robbie, another lady I work with, enjoys taking photos like I do, so we decided it’d be fun to take some maternity photos of Jill for free (of course!).
This is my favorite photo of Jill, it shows the heart of the Grand Basin, in the background. The Grand Basin is so neat, I would say the moonlight paddleboat dinner nights are one of the most romantic things you can do in St. Louis. So beautiful at night, so romantic!
It was REALLY windy, and I was chasing after Nathan and Autumn the entire time, so Robbie took most of the photos and told Jill how to pose.
Another fountain
There are a lot of REALLY old trees in Forest Park, this one had a really neat texture on the bark and made a good backdrop.
This one was my idea, to have the art museum in the background, but it seems a shadow is on her face and her eyes are a little dark. Oh well! I tried