Sorry I haven’t written much here lately. Most of you follow me on Facebook or Twitter, but Autumn went into the ER Tuesday night, and stayed at the hospital Tuesday and Wednesday night. Why? Because of her asthma. This has been a HORRIBLE year for asthma. Nathan has had asthma, and has had one ER visit every year since he’s had it… this year? Yep. Autumn started having asthma. I USED to be happy I had only one child with asthma. Nope, now both. It stinks really bad, like as bad as the land of stench. But, I just keep hoping the new asthma specialist, the new drugs… etc, etc. will help! And, eventually I won’t be driving both kids to COUNTLESS doctor appointments or the ER or worrying about flair ups and sleepless nights. Little coughs. I am going to say now I am hoping next year will be a better asthma year. A year with NO ER visits. I am hoping Singulair and Flovent (the daily meds Autumn is now on, that Nathan is on) will make my life just a little easier. Keep your fingers crossed for me, ok?
I hope to be back soon. But, tonight is my last night sans kids before I get them back for the week. So, instead of doing piles of laundry or trying to get a run in… I am going to enjoy a nice relaxing dinner at sunset in the Grand Basin on a paddle boat with my teammate, Brian. Brian is a great guy. Autumn had a long day yesterday, and she decided she wanted a cherry snow cone which was nowhere to be found at 8:30pm in a hospital. Brian got some of the hospital ‘snow coneish’ ice and melted a cherry Popsicle in the microwave, let it cool, then poured it on her snow cone. He even made an orange one for Nathan. Autumn was all smiles, and the snow cone dilemma was solved. What a great guy.