Sometimes on the holidays, I like to make the kids little goody bags… for some reason, I felt like doing it this fourth. Both kids got headbands with pinwheels on them, glow bracelets, star shaped bubble necklaces, a small flag and then Autumn got the small cinnamon roll Lalaloopsy Doll and Nathan got a small Star Wars lego spaceship. It was fun putting them together.

Of course, the goody bags were a perfect bribe to get a photo of the kids outside under the tree. Just call me Clever Mom.

Then we headed to Uncle Jeff’s and Tracy’s for a delicious BBQ lunch. YUM! After lunch, and a nice glass of wine… I took a little nap on their couch… while Jeff and Tracy babysat for us for free! Ha, ha!

I’m not sharing my napping photos. Nope. But, I wasn’t the only one that fell asleep on the couch. Ha!

Tracy entertained the kids for a long time with puppets.

All of us.

There was A LOT of napping going on this 4th, because after we left Jeff’s and Tracy’s… the kids fell asleep! Ha! Oh, but DON’T you worry… they woke up as soon as I pulled into my garage.

Then we went home to rest for a few hours before heading out to see fireworks. Brian’s friend Kevin is a cop and he got special permission to get us up on the levee to see the downtown fireworks.

It was kinda creepy driving on that levee road, with the full moon and all…

The kids just loved their glow bracelets.

Auttie eating Nathan’s kit kat.

They loved sitting on top of my car.. my car is FILTHY. With the gravel road, two kids on top (and one of them ((I bet you can guess who)) decided she wanted to slide down my windshield several times)…

Kevin showing off his badge, I guess I would too if I had one.

Oh, yeah, and the fireworks! We could see the downtown ones, and about 4 other displays from up on the levee. So neat! Kevin knows allll the spots in town! The kids loved the fireworks, this was their first public display. Nathan thinks fireworks should be shot off EVERY day, because they are so cool.