The Sunday before school started, Nathan and Autumn participated in the Blessing of the Backpacks at church… following by a BBQ and school tour of the classrooms.

The kids are sporting Dora and Star Wars Legos backpacks this year.

At the BBQ, we bought some Spirit Wear… for the Winter, for sure, because it is still hot out there! Here is Nathan at his desk in his new Spirit Wear.

They built a platform in front of the Smart Board, so they students can reach it. Here is Autumn dancing on the platform. She cannot wait until dance class starts!!

Nathan’s teacher has a Lost Tooth poster on her door, and since I am blogging late… I know, for a fact, that Nathan got his name on this chart first, for losing a tooth during lunch!

Then, we went down to Autumn’s Preschool 3 room. We didn’t stay long, because we had a Preschool night to go to the next evening. She loves her babies, though! Can you tell?