Autumn had her second watch class this last Monday and it was just so adorable. My Mom had me in dance at this age and it is just so surreal to see my own little daughter in my footsteps. Here is a video, and it is just super cute. Please click the full screen button on the right, otherwise it is just wayyy too small. Autumn is the 5th girl from the right with her hair up in a big pink bow. I could watch this video a million times. It is that cute. I only took about 10 other videos on my iPhone while we were watching. 🙂
I know, I know… the video is cute… but, look at this? They pulled out Mickey ears or all of the girls, and they did a couple of Disney songs. Oh, if only she was facing the other way I could have gotten her face with the Mickey ears. Cute!!
Can you tell she loves dance class with this huge smile on her face?
With their little Hawaiian skirts on… just adorable. I am so happy I found such a great dance school only 2 miles from our house.
Autumn swaying her little hips to the music!! Awwwhhhh!
Airplane song
Autumn doing a heel spike by herself
Now, we just have class photos and the dance rehearsal and recital to look forward to in June! 🙂