May is always such a hectic month, with t-ball starting up, school finishing up, dance finishing up, Nathan’s birthday, Memorial Day weekend, etc. etc. I feel awful that I haven’t gotten Nathan’s birthday post up yet (I did get the party post up, though!).
Nathan has grown and changed so much in the last year. He has turned into such a loving, caring and thoughtful person. I feel that Nathan and I have a lot of similar personality traits in that he’s a ‘rule follower’, he is good about asking for permission first, if given several options he cannot decide… and, he can be a little worry wart.
He has learned to read in the last year and has done really well in school with straight A’s every quarter except the last where he got one B+. Nathan loves Math and Science over Art and loves learning how things come together to work. He has started to make friends in school instead of just playing in one big group, especially with Kent, Dylan and Lainie. Out of school activities have included soccer, t-ball and he participated in cubscouts this year.
Nathan loves cuddle time before bed and has a ton of favorite stuffed animals he sleeps with. He also loves all of his games with silly names on his iPad (currently he loves Plants vs. Zombies and some sort of singing Monster game). Nathan loves theme parks, roller coasters and swimming. He loves to collect little treasures such as coins, shells, cards, etc. He plays really well with his sister at times and at other times they fight and argue (that’s normal, right?). Nathan’s favorite food is hamburgers, green beans, chicken noodle soup (esp. from Panera), fish sandwiches and hot fundge sundaes.
How did we spend Nathan’s 7th birthday? I took the day off work and spent the day volunteering at school for their May Madness (field day). I was in charge of keeping time and the scores, so I was able to walk around and see him at each activity. After May Madness (it was a half day of school), Nathan wanted a butter burger at Culvers for lunch and then we spent several hours at Swing Around Fun Town. Nathan found the perfect bumper boat that had a water gun on it at a level that he could soak me, Auttie and Brian perfectly. He called it ‘his boat’! We also did the batting cages and go karts… then we came home and he opened gifts. His big gifts were a battery car (no, not one of those $300+ ones, this one was $70) and the Mine Train big lego set! I also snuck an itunes gift card in his birthday card and he LOVED it and spent days trying to figure out which games he wanted to buy on his iPad with it. All in all a wonderful birthday with lots of time with my favorite seven year old on this planet!
Here is Nathan sleeping the night before he turned 7! I love taking these photos every year.
And, now… a year in review of Nathan.