Well, today summer vacation ended and the kids went off to school for their first day of 2nd grade (for Nathan) and PS4 for Autumn. I cannot BELIEVE Nathan is in 2nd grade… Autumn is still in preschool, so… I still feel like she is a baby, even though she’s going to be 5 this fall! But, second grade… man… I am still trying to wrap my head around that one.
So, the night before his first day of school, Nathan was in tears over summer vacation being over. Then, after school was out he told Grandma he had NO idea why he cried, because school was so much fun today! Aww! And, Autumn was SO excited to go to school last night, but then when I peaked in on her after I took Nathan to his room, she was crying! Don’t worry, Grandma saw her at chapel and she was all smiles then. I think they both had some butterflies, I remember having them myself.
I love this photo as it shows both Nathan and Autumn standing side by side.
And, just some general pictures at school.
Ok, so now for FLASHBACK time! I love looking back on photos from the past.
2012. Nathan 1st grade. Autumn’s first year of school ever, PS3.
2011. Nathan started Kindergarten.
2010. Nathan is in PS4. He really grew from 2010 to 2011!!
2010. January. Nathan started PS3 mid-year.