Have a Happy Halloween full of warm memories, lots of candy and colorful costumes! This is the best photo I got of the kids together after we carved pumpkins… Brian and I were looking at it and we agreed both of the kids look a little evil in it. ha! I guess pumpkin carving will do that to ya!
I am really excited about Halloween this year… even though its going to be windy and WET. I took the entire day off of work and I am going to Autumn’s Halloween party, then we are going to meet up with Nathan in the school cafeteria at 11:30 a.m. for a ghoulish lunch (Mummy dog and graveyard dessert, say what?!)… then, I’ll have a little time before Nathan’s Halloween party starts in the afternoon. After school I will give the kids their treat baskets filled with some little gifts. Then, some porch photos and trick or treating is in order!!
So… now I will share with you the rest of the pumpkin carving photos.