Hope everyone had a Happy 4th of July weekend! I had the kids go outside for some photos with this chalkboard banner I made and with their little firecracker headbands, it turned out to be the cutest little photo of us!
Here is just the kids alone with the chalkboard… I had them take one of me and Brian, but we looked like giants (because they were looking up at us), so I’ll spare you those… lol.
I also made this burlap and fabric banner, just for this reason!! Isn’t this just the CUTEST? Oh, I am going to be sad when my kids get too big for this stuff!
My favorite photo of the day
We went out for lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings, because the kids had free kids meal coupons from the library reading program. They have really good kids meals there, too… surprisingly. After lunch, we had to go to the all too popular St. Louis spot for some frozen custard, Ted Drewes! Love my festive polish color?
When you eat at Ted Drewes, you always eat in the back of your car… unfortunately, these two little love bugs weren’t in the mood for photos After lunch, they kids did a little swimming in our pop up pool out back!
The kids went over to their Dads for the 4th of July… boo Brian and I decided to head over to Fair St. Louis, which was at the beautiful Forest Park this year! It is usually at the St. Louis Arch grounds, but there is some major construction going on there, so they moved it to Forest Park this year in front of the Grand Basin. This is one of our favorite most romantic spots in St. Louis, so we were excited to sit on top of a blanket all night listening to some wonderful music (Gavin DeGraw, Bonnie Raitt, etc.)
The high was 82 for the day, an unusually cool July day in St. Louis! Here I am in front of all of the people… there were a lot more people there once the Cardinals ball game let out and when the fireworks started! We were glad we got there early.
Brian and I love the fountains, we have our yearly sunset paddle boat picnic coming up… we love to picnic on a paddleboat in the Grand Basin next to the fountains. So fun and I look forward to that date night every year!
I had a lot of yummy food at the fair… including this delicious funnel cake!
Such a gorgeous night, I missed my kids… but, I can’t remember the last time I laid back on a blanket and looked at the stars… the musical was wonderful, too! Just a nice peaceful night with my man!
Me and my man… I thought this was a cool pic, because that is the moon shining behind Brian.
The firework show was amazing, as always… just a little different this year without having the arch and riverfront in the background… but, very nice.
Saturday evening I had a wonderful sunset wine dinner with Brian… I think this is our fourth summer in a row coming to Montelle. It is always a romantic and fun evening and we really enjoy the view (and wine!).
We got to sit right on the edge of the deck and had this magnificent view… we loved watching the sunset as we enjoyed our dinner.
Every year I have tried to get us there on a night when they’ve had a surf and turf menu… this year I finally succeeded before it was sold out (YES!). It was delicious!
On Sunday I started packing for our Destin trip and I had to make a trip to two separate malls to find some last minute items for our professional beach photos. I needed two white linen ‘beachy’ button down shirts for the boys, jewelry for my dress… and a new lip gloss for me, too… we have to all be stylin’ for these beach pictures. Now I just need to pack for me and the kids… hubby is packing for himself, thank goodness.
Are you ready for the meal plan for this week?
Menu Plan for Week of July 6, 2014:
Sunday – Chinese
Our usual every other Sunday Chinese take-out.
Monday – Mini Meatloaves (Freezer Meal) with Bacon and Cheese Stuffed Potatoes (another Freezer Meal!), recipes HERE and HERE

If you have been following my blog for awhile, you know that every month I share a new freezer recipe! I love that I can use TWO of my freezer meals for a quick and easy meal for dinner on Monday!
Tuesday – Taco Lasagna
One of my FB friends posted this recipe and I KNEW I had to try it… looks easy and delicious.
Wednesday – BLT’s and Chips
This is a quick and easy meal… and, a tasty one, too! Since Autumn has gymnastics on Wednesday nights, this will be a perfect and quick meal.
Thursday – Skinny Zucchini Lasagna, recipe HERE

I made these right when I first started staying at home… it has been a few months and I am ready to devote the time into making this delicious and low calorie dish again. YUM!
Friday – Destin Vacation, EAT OUT
Saturday – Destin Vacation, EAT OUT
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