Can you believe we are carting the kids off to school again already? I am going to miss my little half days with Autumn, she was my little buddy. Sniff. I don’t even want to think about it yet… 🙁 I always like to go over our Summer Bucket list to see what we got done and what we may try to do next summer or in the fall.
What we finished is underlined… We did 7 of the 10 items on the Summer Bucket List for the Kids and 5 out of the 10 items on the Summer Bucket List for Me and Brian… not too shabby! I don’t think I’ve EVER finished a bucket list, have you?
Summer Bucket List for the Kids
1. Take Nathan on 3 one-on-one dates and Autumn on 3 one-on-one datesJune: Took Nathan to Pole Position & Red Lobster, Took Autumn to Magic House
We only got ONE out of the 3 one-on-one dates accomplished this summer.
2. Learn how to Geocache, take a class at Shaw Nature Reserve
3. Basketball Camp (Nathan) and Gymnastics (Autumn)
4. Get a Zoo membership and go every week and explore a different area of the zoo
5. Visit Windcrest dairy farm
7. State Fair on my birthday! It is in Sedalia, MO this year, which is 3 hours (eek!) away… so, we will probably need to stay overnight for it.
After two vacations this summer, I was just not up for driving 3 hours to Sedalia, getting a hotel and driving back. We opted for a dinner and movie night at home on my birthday and it was perfect!
8. Library Reading Program
10. Cardinals baseball game with kids (5/31), this will be Autumn’s first game
Summer Bucket List for Me and Brian
3. Do a sunset dinner at Montelle winery
4. Soulard Market on a Saturday morning
5. See Grease at The Muny in August
7. Outdoor Concert – St. Louis Fair on Fourth of July
8. Go hiking on the Limestone trail with Brian at Mastodon Park
The Master Bathroom is getting close, but is still not done. Whew.
Are you ready for the meal plan for this week?
Menu Plan for Week of August 17, 2014:
Sunday – Tacos
Tacos just seem like a perfect Sunday dinner to me!! We usually have them every other week, but we skipped a few weeks… so, they are on the list this week!
Monday – Chicken Noodle Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
The kids start SCHOOL on Tuesday morning, so we are going to go simple on dinner the night before school starts! I really love soup and sandwiches, yum, yum!
Tuesday – Easy, Three Ingredient Cinnamon Rolls, recipe HERE
I have been craving cinnamon rolls and why not have them for breakfast? I may add some fruit and sausage to the plate with these, since we are eating them for dinner. If you haven’t checked out Tonya’s blog, Love of Family and Home, you should just for the recipes alone!
Wednesday – Sweet and Tangy Meatball Sliders in the Crockpot, recipe HERE

Nathan always tells me to add meatballs in our spaghetti, so I thought he would be won over by these meatball sliders! I’ve never tried this recipe before, but it is always fun to try a new crockpot recipe.
Another simple meal for the first week of school! Whew!
Friday – Skinny Zucchini Lasagna, recipe HERE
Saturday – Dinner Out
We are going to an italian restaurant on The Hill in St. Louis, because I have a free meal coupon for my birthday!
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