I enjoy sending REAL cards and letters to my family and friends, the ones that I personally hand to them or send through the mail. When cleaning out and reorganizing my desk area downstairs I came across several old cards from my Grandma Hee-Hee who has passed. I loved how she had signed each and every card the same way, “Love Always, Grandma”. I never noticed how she signed her cards when I was a little girl. But, reading them after she is no longer here makes me smile to know that even though she is gone she still loves me.
Cards are special keepsakes. You can hold onto them and keep them forever or you can let them go. I am always looking for nice stationary for the cards I give to people, hoping that it’ll make them want to hold on to that card even more… perhaps they’ll display it on their desk at work or pin it up on their pin board in their office.Which brings me to reinCARDnation, a plantable greeting card company that offers you even more with their cards. reinCARDnation sells plantable greeting cards, which can be planted and will grow into beautiful wildflowers. These cards offer wonderful memories, in your very own garden!
I selected a card from reinCARDnation to send to my mom and I wrote a special letter to her on that back of it.
The card includes a tag that tells you which wildflowers it has seeds for… you’ll see on the tag above, that there is quite a variety of seeds included in the card!
It is easy to plant the cards, just soak the card in water overnight.
Then dig 1/4″ into the ground, place the card at the bottom and cover over it with dirt. Water it often for the first 4-6 weeks. You can plant it in the early Spring through late Fall.
I will update this blog post once the flowers start to grow and bloom!
And, now you have your own chance at winning one card of your choice from reinCARDnation! Sorry, U.S. only!
Full Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. These cards were gifted to me in exchange for this post. All opinions are 100% mine.