I have been trying to check in on my goals every 3 months, but somehow October turned into November and I am checking in today. Next year I will be working on monthly goals instead of yearly goals. I feel like I will be more productive that way.
So, let’s start…
1. Prayer Notebook.I am doing really good with the prayer notebook, although sometimes I feel like it is more of a diary then a prayer book. Sigh. I write everything down and then I pray… but, sometimes I wonder if it would be more heartfelt if I didn’t write it down first. It is nice to be able to go back and look at what I’ve written and to see what was answered or where my prayers have led me. I do like my prayer notebook and it does give me peace to get everything written down and then to pray to God about it. I’m just not sure yet if I am going to continue it next year, or if I want to do something different.
I think I want to set aside a half hour next year for devotion time… I may try a few different things and see what works best. I feel I want to combine prayer with scripture… maybe some Christian books. I’m just not sure. What do you all do for your devotion time and what really works for you?

I feel I am always behind lately, I can’t seem to get even a couple days ahead. I am usually writing the blog post either 1-2 nights before it is due. I really want to try to get 1-2 weeks ahead (consistently).
I still want to try to show 2 crafts a week on the blog instead of one, perhaps I can get this nailed down after the holidays.
I have a blogging to-do list and I’ve been working through it and making some real progress! On this to-do list is starting a blog newsletter, a Linkedin page for my blog, etc. This is all stuff I can’t do if I am constantly chasing my tail and trying to get a blog post done that is due the next morning.
I did my first Instagram Loop Giveaway and although there was a little drama involved with it (why me), it actually went really well and I’d like to try another one eventually.
I still want to do a blog conference eventually, especially with my blog friend Lauren from Mom Home Guide!
I am planning on doing a redesign of my blog and moving it over to WordPress early next year. My husband has really been pressuring me to do this, he loves WordPress.
I’ve also been excited to do the Holiday Craftacular with some blog friends this holiday season. I really want to try to do more of these types of activities to develop friendships with like-minded bloggers!
I also did a really fun handmade gift exchange with blogging friend… she isn’t as crafty, but she sent me a lot of accessories that she knew I’d love to style! So it was a win-win for both of us… stay tuned for a post on that!
I also got my first Erin Condren planner for my blog!
Oh, and speaking about being more present. I am thinking about maybe taking the last 2 weeks of December off from blogging. It would be a first in eight years! My link up parties aren’t going to happen and I figure it is going to be really quiet. I hate that I worry about what it’ll do to my page views, but… am I really going to get many those weeks anyway? We’ll see… still thinking about it. A blogging vacation would be nice.