Welcome to Thursday Fashion Files!
Welcome to Thursday Fashion Files with Carrie at Curly Crafty Mom! I’m excited to have you here and would love to have you link up one of your latest outfits at the bottom of this post.
I will be taking occasional Co-Hosts for Thursday Fashion Files, if you are interested you can email me at carrie (at) curlycraftymom (dot) com to set up a date.
Hey everyone… I totally dropped the ball, because I unintentionally took a week off from blogging! With the end of the school year craziness and then a long weekend in Cancun with my hubby… I just did not have any free time to blog. But, good news! I’m back today with Thursday Fashion Files and I’m sharing a little Summer Flash Back with all of the outfits I shared on the blog last Summer! I love to look back and get inspired!
Mother’s Day & A Little Sparkle
White and Gold, My Two Favorite Colors!
I hope you enjoyed this Summer flash back! Were any your favorites? You can also see previous Summer Styles by clicking the bar at the top of my blog (under my logo) and select Style then Summer!

My Pick from Last Week’s Party:
My pick from last week’s party is Jess from Elegantly Dressed & Stylish.