Hey everyone! My kids have been officially out of summer for a week now and I thought it was time to think about a Summer Bucket List. I’ll also be linking up with Leslie at Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After and many other bloggers to share our Summer Bucket Lists on the first day of summer (June 21)! I wanted to get mine up a little earlier, since I feel like summer starts for us once the kids get out of school and I need to start brainstorming some ideas so we stay busy (and they don’t get bored!).
I always do a Summer Bucket List for the kids, one for just me and one for my husband and I. It is just more fun that way and it encourages us to do a lot of family activities and it also encourages Brian and I to have lots of date nights, etc. It also encourages me to get a couple things done during the summer. I don’t always cross everything off the list, but that’s ok!
*underlined text means that activity is completed*
Summer Bucket List for Me
1. Haven Blogging Conference in Charleston – This will be my first blogging conference and I’ll finally get to meet Lauren from Mom Home Guide!
2. There is an area in my garden that we cleared last summer, because a bunch of rose bushes died from the same disease. I want to plan out some better/low maintenance plants for that area. I also purchased a raised bed from Amazon for herbs/veggies, but it arrived so late. Not sure if I’ll start it this summer or next.
3. Go running at Queeny Park, such a beautiful park. I’d love to go running there again sometime.
5. Kitchen Remodel, Taking Place in JUNE. This is going to keep me insanely busy and the kids are going to be home from school during this entire process.
I need to:
Purchase new lights for Kitchen from LowesStuff Before Contractor Comes: Clean out kitchen pantry, pack away EVERYTHING in kitchenSell/Donate buffet rack in kitchen- UNPACK everything after kitchen is completed
Look for a new ovenLook for a new kitchen table- Sell/Doate old kitchen table
- Ideas for decorating new kitchen
Summer Bucket List for the Kids
1. Nathan: Karate and Band Camp. Autumn: Summer Gymnastics and Full Day Dance Camp (3 Days). The kids are also doing the Library Reading Program. We do this every year. The kids get a pool party, free tickets to the Magic House and there is A LOT of free food involved this time! Ha!
2. Family Vacation to Branson for Autumn’s Dance Nationals. We’ll be there 3 nights and will be making it into a family vacation. Branson is located in Missouri and is similar to a mini Vegas (kind of). It should be fun and we’ll only be 4 hours away from home.
3. Take the kids to Cahokia Mounds or somewhere different!
4. Try some new restaurants (Shake Shack,
5. I’d love to do the Ritz Carlton Tea Time with the kids sometime! They have a special adults AND kids menu.
2. Sunset Paddleboat Dinner