Happy Friday Everyone!
Oh YES! It’s Friday!!! This has seemed like a REALLY long week. It all started on Sunday, when our refrigerator of only 6 months started to make some weird noises. Monday morning it was a constant noise and it didn’t sound good! We had 4 visits this week and I think GE finally fixed it today. The freezer fan wasn’t working and had to be replaced and then a sensor that tells the AI (artificial intelligence) in the fridge was erroring out, so once the fan was replaced… it didn’t know that it could use it. Or something like that. Geesh. LOL. So, fingers crossed it keeps on working! My husband also went out of town this week for work and the kids had a snow (ice) day! So, it was a busy one… but, I think it’s ending on a good note. HA!
One – 24 Hour Juice Cleanse
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Yesterday I participated in my first ever 24 Hour Juice Cleanse with FASTer Way to Fat Loss. Wow!!! It was a lot different than the normal 24 Hour Fast. With FASTer Way to Fat Loss VIP Group, we have a 24 Hour Fast once a month. You can either fast by just drinking lots of water, herbal tea or coffee OR you can do the 24 Hour Juice Cleanse with The Weekly Juicery. Getting the 6 juices prepared and shipped to you is a little pricey, so I’ve been with FASTer Way for almost a year now, but I didn’t splurge on the juices. However, I decided that I wanted to try them out this time and I am so glad I did!!
If you’re interested in learning more about the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program, see my post HERE. I plan to share a post in early April that will share my results since I’ve joined their VIP program (you have to complete 2 rounds of the regular program before you can join the VIP group). I started the program last April and I’ve lost 9 lbs, had gained muscle and I’m finally learning how to eat CLEAN!!! This is SO important!!
I’ll admit, I haven’t been hungry at ALL today, but I don’t know if I’ve EVER drank this much water before! You have 6 juices, but you drink 16 oz of water in between each juice. So, at 9:00 a.m. I started with 36 oz of water, then at 10:00 a.m. I drank my first juice, 11:00 a.m. I drank 16 oz of water, 12:00 p.m. another juice, etc. At 8:00 p.m. you finally drink your last juice. With the 24 Hour Fast (without juices), you get to eat a light dinner. But, with the Juice Cleanse, I don’t get to eat again until lunch tomorrow… which, I’m meeting my husband near his work for lunch and I can’t wait to have a delicious sandwich and salad!!!
So what are the benefits of a Juice Cleanse? Juice cleansing applies nature’s remedy to imbalances and signals your body may be giving you. It gives your body a break from the deluge of unhealthy foods, drinks and choices that have become daily habits. Juice cleansing floods your body with live enzymes and nutrients while offering much-needed digestive rest. Imagine a vacation for your over-worked body. Restoration and rejuvenation through nature. Their cleanses include organic, vegetable-centric juices for the ultimate healthy indulgence.
This Juice Cleanse has been rewarding to my body and I’m excited that I finally signed up for it. The juices were really fresh and delicious.
Two – Cleaner Beauty Products
I’ve made a goal in 2019 to switch out one of my everyday products to a cleaner, more natural product. Jill from Doused in Pink was sweet enough to send me a couple of Beauty Counter products that she loves. I just received them yesterday, so I’ll get back with all of you on my thoughts!
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So, in January I switched out my Vaseline Lip Balm to something cleaner, this Drunk Elephant Lippe Balm. So far, I’ve been loving it! It goes on light and clean and lasts for awhile!
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Then, in February I switched out my deodorant to Kopari Aluminum-Free Deodorant, which is non-toxic, paraben free, gluten free & cruelty free. It smells like coconut, which I love and I’ve noticed that it has kept me dry and smell free! I’ve even worn it when I work out and it does great! I HIGHLY recommend this product, I’ve been so pleased with it!
Now, in March I need to swap out another one of my products… I’m still not sure what I’ll swap out yet. Any suggestions?!
Three – Trader Joe’s Haul
I used to go into Trader Joe’s EVERY single month when the kids were younger and I was working in corporate world. There is a store about 20 minutes from the kids school and I decided to finally pop in there again! It’s been SO long. Wow. I am going to have to make this a regular monthly thing again! I have been eating and enjoying all of my purchases from my visit and I plan to share a Trader Joe’s Haul post next month!!! I found a lot of WINNERS!!! The photo above shows a juice and sandwich I brought home for lunch that same day. The sandwich was DELICIOUS! I may get that same exact sandwich for lunch again when I go for my next monthly visit. I really liked the cold pressed juice too and it is only 100 calories and it says on the back of the bottle what ingredients are in it. I found out about the juice from Mix and Match Mama (one of my favorite blogs ever!) and I am so glad she mentioned how much she loved them, because otherwise I wouldn’t have noticed it on the shelf. I’ll be getting some more of the juice to stock up on soon!
Another thing that I just absolutely love about Trader Joe’s is that ALL of the products I’ve purchased have been in My Fitness Pal app! I haven’t had to manually add in any of them!!
Four – Amazon Swimsuit Score!
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I have never purchased a swimsuit from off of Amazon, but it seems to be all the rage lately. I saw this CUPSHE swimsuit for only $28 and loved how it has the look of a two piece with the little cut outs at the waist. And, it looks like a two piece from the back. I wear a size small and it fits true to size.
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This is the back side to the suit and I wish it had a little more booty coverage… but, it is a vacation with just my hubby, so I think it’ll be ok.
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I REALLY love these Tempt Me swimsuits off of Amazon, but I think the first one (which I love the most) looks too similar to the swimsuit I purchased above. I haven’t tried a high waisted bottom on a two piece and I know I’ll love it. I saw on the Amazon reviews that some of the ladies are cutting the under piece off on the top to make it less heavy and I MAY do that, because it looks really nice!
Five – Rae Dunn & Other Spring Finds
I love to go into Homegoods and TJMaxx to hunt for Rae Dunn finds. Last week I was on a mission to find some Spring Rae Dunn and some items for my tiered shelf. I have officially decorated my tiered shelf for the Spring and I hope to share photos of that later this month. I was really excited to find this Rae Dunn juicer! And, I was at the Target Dollar Spot and I found a small ceramic lime that I can place next to it. How perfect is that?
This was the ONLY Spring Rae Dunn item I found and I placed it in the bottom of my tiered tray. It is SO cute!!! I wish I could find a Rae Dunn bird house. I need to go back to Homegoods and TJMaxx to return some items that didn’t work with my tiered tray, so I may take a look again and see if I find some more Spring Rae Dunn!! There is a Facebook group that I recently joined and the ladies on there post photos of their Rae Dunn finds and share what store (Homegoods, TJMaxx or Marshalls) and when they found them. It’s really interesting to see how many Rae Dunn pieces there is out there.
I spotted this at TJ Maxx and texted the photo to my husband… he always tells me ‘I love you, I love you, I love you” and then some. I thought it was my turn to tell him it back! Ha!
Have a Great Friday and Weekend!