Happy Friday Everyone!
Happy Friday! I’m excited about relaxing this weekend and some lovely weather in the St. Louis area. My oldest is 13 today and I just can’t believe it! We’ll be celebrating all day, especially since he has a half day at school today. Lucky duck!
One – A Maker’s Studio
When I was at Haven last year for their DIY/Crafting conference, I was introduced to A Makers’ Studio and their line of products. They offer templates that make it incredibly easy to create signs and other decor items. They gave me a free kit that I took home with me from Haven and I’m waiting to share it on the blog in the Fall, because it has orange paint. I created a really cute farmhouse style sign with it.
They recently sent me this Feather Art Fun DIY kit to review. The kit included ALL of the tools I needed and in the photo above you’ll see how I applied the paint to the waterproof paper over the stencil to create my masterpiece. This project is part of their Maker Monday DIY Workshop, where they share a new kit every Monday on a Facebook Live. You can find the one for the Feather Art Fun DIY kit HERE. Amy Howard, A Makers’ Studio founder hosts them. The video makes it so easy and fun, every detail is covered even if you don’t have artistic abilities. This would be fun to do alone or you could order a few kits and do the craft together with a group of friends!
Check out the Maker Monday series on the A Makers’ Studio Facebook page every Monday morning and learn how to make more DIY décor just like this amazing wall art! Be sure to follow A Makers’ Studio on Instagram and Pinterest, too!
Two – Rise Together Podcast
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Ever since I’ve gotten my new car, that has TECHNOLOGY… I’ve been really into audio books and my latest is podcasts!! Plus, Podcasts are FREE! So, I’m sure most of you have read Girl, Wash Your Face and probably Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis. Well, I found out that she has a podcast with her husband (Dave Hollis) and they talk about all things to do with relationships! I really love Dave’s take on everything, it is just fun to have a man’s opinion, ya know? They talk about codependency and how it isn’t healthy, sex (and, it’s a good one to listen to!), how important it is to have balance in a relationship, how time apart is healthy, etc. They have some fun guests on their show, such as the author from Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman (that’s a really good one to listen to). There is a podcast on
enneagrams, which was really interesting… I didn’t even know what an enneagram was before this podcast (where have I been?).
I have been so addicted to these podcasts, that I’ve almost listened to all 45 in the last month. As a mom, I do A LOT of driving. I truly believe that if you listen to these podcasts, it will strengthen your marriage and you’ll see it in a whole new light! These podcasts help you to have an EXCEPTIONAL marriage, as they say in their own words. It’s just SO good. This podcast was in the top 5 for 2018. What I’m truly excited about is that Dave is going to be writing his own book and you betcha I’ll be reading it as soon as it is on the shelves! He is 44, which is my husband’s age, which makes me relate to him even more. Rachel also has another podcast that is more business related (there is 90+ podcasts in it, eek!) that I hope to listen to next.
Three – Sweet Gift from Katherine!
My sweet blogging friend, Kathrine from Kathrine Eldridge Wardrobe Stylist was so kind to send me a box full of her Pixi goodies! She works with Pixi and I guess she noticed I was always commenting on her Pixi goodies on her Instagram Stories. She was so sweet to send me a box! It is nice how we can get to know blogging friends a little better on IG Stories! And, she must know me well… because there is a lot of face mask goodness in this box! Spa night at home just got better.
Four – I Have a TEENAGER!!
This photo was taken last night, because we let Nathan have his phone early since the evening of his birthday is a little hectic with other things going on. But, I can’t believe that when this post pubs I will be a mom to a TEENAGER! Holy cow does time fly!! Thankfully, Nathan is pretty level headed and a really sweet kid (or do I say teen now?!), so I think his teen years shouldn’t be TOO hard… or, did I just jinx myself by saying that? Tomorrow they have a half day for school (May Madness, which is their field day) and I plan to take him out for a special lunch and then he has 13 ‘smaller’ gifts to open and 13 cards with $1 in each one. Ha! I hope he enjoys it! He’s so excited about having an iPhone, the poor boy was the last one in his class to get one.
And, not to leave Autumn out of the spotlight. She had her last dance competition of the season last weekend and her trio placed #1 OVERALL and so did her tap group (6 girls, but 1 was out with an injury). I am so proud of her! This photo was taken before she went on stage for musical theater and I just love it. She broke her pinky toe and was out of dance for 4 weeks and missed one of the competitions. She performed last weekend and it was right after the doctor cleared her to dance again. I was nervous about how she’d perform, but she did GREAT!
Five – A Couple of Recipes I Tried & Loved
I finally tried the Carb Friendly Shrimp and Grits by Coast to Coast this week on a low carb day and it gets a thumbs up! I love that Trader Joe’s has some great low carb options, such as their Mashed Cauliflower! Their Argentinian Red Shrimp is the ABSOLUTE best… I am going to get a few bags on my next trip, because it is the best frozen shrimp I’ve found!
Ok, this is not a glamorous photo by any means… Just snapped it right out of the oven. I always hate making scrambled eggs on the stovetop. So, I thought I’d try making them in the oven. OH MY GOODNESS! It was SO easy!!! I will be making my scrambled eggs this way from now on. They were fluffy and just delicious! It does take a little longer, but at least it is hands free time! I did half of this recipe with just 12 eggs and did an 8×8 pan. HERE is the recipe I used.
Well, I hope everyone has a nice and relaxing weekend with some lovely weather!