Sleep is one of the most important components of your well-being. If it isn’t given due consideration, you may risk various sleep-related health issues such as insomnia, restless leg syndrome, or sleep apnea. Some sleep disorders may even lead to more serious, psychological illnesses, such as depression and anxiety, due to increased cortisol levels. Fundamental to getting a good night’s sleep is ensuring that your bedroom is a space conducive to rest and relaxation. Many people don’t realize the impact a bedroom has upon their sleep until they begin to change things.
Here are a few simple ideas to consider when designing the room’s contents and layout:
- Avoid vibrant colors, such as reds, oranges and yellows, opting rather for soft pastel
hues. Green and blue are great options as they generate a natural sense of calm
within us and lend themselves to a cozier atmosphere.
- Ensure the room will be dark. If disrupted by external light, your brain will not be triggered to manufacture sufficient melatonin, a much-needed hormone responsible for sleep. If drapes are insufficient to shade the room, think about installing blackout blinds.
- A Harvard Medical School study suggests it’s best practice to shut down mobile devices at least an hour before bed, so your body can wind down in preparation for rest. The blue light emitted from them adversely affects your rest, tricking your brain into a state of alertness by mimicking the sun. To keep yourself from the temptation of scrolling, arranging your charging point to happen away from the bedside and keep other screens out of the bedroom.
- Avoid extreme temperatures, both warm and cool. The optimum ambient temperature for sleep is between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit – a rotating fan in the ceiling may assist with this. Some people find the regular white noise of fans relaxing.
- Don’t just buy a bed – invest in one of the best mattresses recommended by Savvy Sleeper that you can afford. Take into account your age, personal comfort, and support requirements, as all these factors are all important considerations when purchasing a mattress. If you doubt that this makes a difference, think back to a time when you slept on an uncomfortable surface, like the couch, or worse, the floor. How did you feel the next morning? Bright and happy or a low-mood?
- Have the right tog duvet for the right season. Too hot a one in the summer may cause your body temperature to rise to a level of discomfort and too cool a one in winter may have you shivering; both states will prevent you from sleeping well.
- Tidy room, tidy mind. Clutter can cause some to feel stressed. A single book on your nightstand, along with a reading light and a glass of water is sufficient for many.
Now that you’re equipped with great tips for your bedroom design, all you need to do is enjoy a deep, peaceful sleep. Good night!