Welcome to Thursday Fashion Files!
Welcome to Thursday Fashion Files with Carrie at Curly Crafty Mom and Jill at Doused in Pink. I’m excited to have you here and would love to have you link up one of your latest outfits at the bottom of this post. Don’t forget to check out our Thursday Fashion Files Pinterest board and click HERE if you’d like to contribute!
I will be taking occasional Co-Hosts for Thursday Fashion Files, if you are interested you can email me at carrie (at) curlycraftymom (dot) com to set up a date.
Hi everyone! I’ve decided to take this week off from blogging. Don’t worry, everything is ok here… I am just really behind on all the things and decided it would be best to take a week off from blog writing than to stress myself out even more during this unique time. I will be back next Thursday with a blog post and you’ll still see me over on Instagram and Instagram Stories. Thank you for stopping by and don’t forget to link up your latest fashion and to see Jill’s fashion post over at Doused in Pink.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday! I can’t wait to see everyones outfits for this week!
Follow Jill:
Link Up Guidelines:
1. Feel free to grab our button to display on your blog sidebar. Help spread the word and share about our link up community.
2. **By adding your links, you are stating that you have the proper licensing/rights to the images in your blog posts.**
Now let’s get linking!