Happy Friday Everyone!
One – Current Happenings
Happy Friday everyone! Well, it is time for my monthly update around here. We’ve been busy, but at the same time I feel like I don’t have a whole lot to report. We had a wonderful Easter, it was a gorgeous day with 70 degree temps. We got dressed up and my mom took this photo of all of us together when we stopped by her house on our way home from dinner.
My kids have their Spring break SUPER early, it is in March and the weather is never the best. I love a good tea time, so I made as an appointment at The London Tea Room and we had a delightful tea time. Nathan had track practice right before it, so he didn’t get to dress up… but, being a boy, I am sure he was ok with that! Lol. Autumn has a cute leopard top on with puff sleeves, so I guess even the tweens are enjoying this trend!
When we stopped by my parents house on Easter, my mom gave Nathan this Missouri Driver’s Guide booklet. Eek! I am SOOO not ready for this chapter… It makes me really nervous! I may see if I can find a driving school for Nathan, because that is what I did when I started driving and I found it really helpful. But, oh boy… these years are going SO fast! On a good note, I do spend about 3 hours a day driving these kids to school, back from school and I even make another trip out to Nathan’s school since he gets done at a different time than Autumn does due to track. And, one night a week I drive Autumn back and forth from dance three times in one night, because I don’t feel comfortable with her staying there during a long break in-between classes due to Covid. Sigh. SO, it will be nice when Nathan can drive himself to school and back… but, I’ll miss our little car chats and stopping at Starbucks sometimes after school together!
Nathan had his first track meet and it was a wash out! Lots of rain… and, apparently lots of mud that came home with us. His school placed third, which was good! I didn’t get any photos of Nathan, because they weren’t allowing spectators, but I did take a photo of the school they were at (John Burroughs) before I left.
Two – Sephora Sale
Shop These Products:
So, I’ve been hearing a lot about the RewardStyle sale, which I didn’t get onboard with quick enough. But, I almost ALWAYS shop the Sephora sale. I didn’t need any big items this time, but I did have some items I wanted to try out. All of these items are NEW to me. Unfortunately, the Spring Sephora sale is over now, but this is what I purchased:
GLOWSTARTER Mega Illuminating Moisturizer, Color: Nude Glow
I’ve been going without makeup a lot since Covid started and I’d love to dress up my face a little more, but without a lot of effort. This moisturizer brightens your face and gives it a little bit of natural coverage. It is also supposed to smell like a creamy orange popsicle. I’ve tried GLOWSTARTER facial masks before and I’ve been pleased, so I know I will love this product!
rms beauty Lip2Cheek, Color: Demure
I’ve been looking for something for my lips to give them a little color, yet it will stay on for hours. This lip stain has great reviews and I love this bright Demure color for the Spring. It can also be used on your cheeks, but I’m mainly interested in using it on my lips for a touch of natural color.
Isle of Paradise Self Tanning Drops, Color: Medium
I run outside a lot in the Spring and Summer, but I feel my face is always so pale (even though I have olive colored skin) in the early Spring when I’m wearing more bright colors and I wish for a little bit of a healthy glow. I’ve heard amazing things about these Isle of Paradise Self Tanning drops and I want to try them out for my face and neck. You’re supposed to add 3 drops of them to your regular nighttime moisturizer and rub it into your face, hairline and neck every 5 nights and it’ll give you a nice glow the next morning.
I received a sample of REPLICA’s ‘By the Fireplace’ from Sephora and it was one of my favorite fall/winter scents! I really love this Beach Walk scent and decided to buy the smaller bottle of it to wear this Spring/Summer. It smells SO good!
Three – Running & NordicTrack
I finished a couple more iFit runs and challenges! I did their Valentine’s run and got a medal and then they had a Meet & Greet Challenge that I did last month and I got a magnet for it. The Meet & Greet Challenge was fun in that you did about 8 workouts and each workout had a different iFit trainer, so I got to do some workouts with some trainers I wasn’t familiar with.
One iFit trainer that I ADORE mentioned this book in one of his runs and he talks about it and uses it in his training. I haven’t read it yet, but I want to before I train for my next (Fall) half marathon. It talks about training slower for 80% of your runs and harder for 20% of them. It gives your body more time to recover, yet also gives your body the energy to train harder. He uses a method that lets you determine what speed you should run at and when based on your heart rate. If you have an Apple Watch, it will tell you your heart rate while you’re running, which is really helpful. It also talks about dropping your speed when doing inclines, higher altitudes, etc. and I’m excited to dip into it! A lot of people on the iFit Facebook group I’m on follow this method and they’ve shaved minutes off their race times.
Four – Latest Book & Shows
No Time Like the Future: An Optimist Considers Mortality by Michael J.Fox
This was the first book I’ve read by MJF and it was interesting to read about how he has struggled and overcame challenges with his disease and how supportive his family has been during the daily struggles with his disease. The last few chapters in the book where he talks about the Fox Foundation and how the world was changed forever by Covid I found really enlightening. I found the book a little hard to follow and I struggled to finish it. I don’t know if I had read his other books if this would have helped me enjoy this book more. There are some really good stories in the book that I enjoyed, but parts of it did not hold my attention. MJF really seems to have such a charming, kind personality that made me smile as I listened to him read the book and I have always enjoyed seeing him on the screen/TV.
And, as for shows…
We are currently watching Outlander and it is taking us awhile to get through it. I’ll update more once we finish it.
Five – Pixi Freebies
Shop These Products:
Pixi hasn’t sent me a package since right before Christmas, so I was excited to see this package of goodies in the mail! They sent me a trio of products to get my skin GLOWING for the summer! These three products all include glycolic acid, which exfoliates and brightens. They also include aloe vera which is soothing and hydrating to the skin. There is ginseng, which improves circulation and energizes and lactic acid, which smooths and softens. This is what they sent me:
This exfoliating body cleanser will smooth skin texture, gently exfoliate and revitalize your skin.
This resurfacing concentrate energizes skin while showering and gently exfoliates.
This exfoliating body lotion improves skin tone and texture and gives it long lasting moisture.
I hope everyone has a nice and relaxing weekend!
Mother’s Day Giveaway!
I am excited to be giving away $430 in gift cards for Mother’s Day to two lucky readers with several other bloggers. The giveaway will run from April 22 – May 7.
The prizes are:
- $215 gift card
- $215 gift card
Each winner will choose the gift card they want. Please choose a gift card that comes from an online store and can be paid in US dollars. EX: Amazon, Target, Walmart, Macy’s, Kohls, etc. You may ask for more than one gift card but must add up to your prize amount.