Welcome to Thursday Fashion Files!
Welcome to Thursday Fashion Files with Carrie at Curly Crafty Mom and Jill at Doused in Pink. I’m excited to have you here and would love to have you link up one of your latest outfits at the bottom of this post. Don’t forget to check out our Thursday Fashion Files Pinterest board and click HERE if you’d like to contribute!
I will be taking occasional Co-Hosts for Thursday Fashion Files, if you are interested you can email me at carrie (at) curlycraftymom (dot) com to set up a date.
Hey everyone! I always enjoy looking back at my outfits from the previous year and today I’m sharing a Fall Flashback from last year’s Fall outfits.
Be sure to let me know if any of these outfits stood out to you and enjoy this (hopefully!) laid back (short) week!
Hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday! I can’t wait to see everyones outfits for this week!

My Pick from Last Week’s Party: