Thursday brought us a snow and ice storm… The kids had today (and will have tomorrow) off of school and they are bouncing off the walls (literally) in excitement.
TWO years ago I bought a couple snow man kits from Target’s Dollar Spot. They were so adorable I could not pass them up… unfortunately, we did not get a chance to use them last winter… so, I was so excited to dig them out today for our snowman!
The snow was so dry, it was impossible to make balls in the snow for the snowman… so, I used some different sized flower pots and rounded out the snow to make a snowman body. Then, the kids helped decorate our cute little snowman.
I would love to make a snowman every year, so I was excited we got to this year. He is just so darn adorable. Much better than the sweet gum ball snowman that Nathan and I made a few years ago.
Our 2013 Snowman picture… oh wait! Autumn is crying! She didn’t want to be in the photo… so, I tried and failed. Boo! But, I guess this photo is the real deal.
At least I got one smiley kid to pose by Mr. Frosty.
The snow was so beautiful, there were huge flakes coming down… but, then it started to sleet. And, ouch, it really hurt when it’d hit my face with the strong gusts of wind. So, inside we went!
We got to enjoy the snow from our front door while sipping hot cocoa and enjoying a frozen Lucia’s pizza, though! Not bad! I hope everyone enjoyed this beautiful snow day!