I love working on crafts with the kids, and try to make time to do one every so often at home. Since we were going to have some gold coin wrappers laying around after the scavenger hunt, I decided to let the kids create the Pot of Gold craft from Pinterest. We had a lot of fun. First, I let the kids put the paints in the same order of the colors of the rainbow. Nathan did really good.
Autumn needed a little help with hers, but Nathan helped her out.
Painting a rainbow handprint on Autumn’s little hand. Autumn LOVED this part, Nathan… not so much. Autumn LOVES being messy, Nathan… not so much. But, he lived through it :o)- Autumn wanted to make more rainbows with her hand on extra sheets of paper, so we did.
Pretty rainbow handprints
Autumn and her two pieces of art
Both of them and their art
Closeup of Nathan’s
Closeup of Aut’s