It is amazing how you learn so much with your first child. Then, the second child comes around and you really have been there and done that. The only difference is that you are dealing with this new child that has their own unique personality, but you still have that former foundation from your first born child. As a mom, I really believe the first 3 months of a child’s life is the most time consuming (and, I know I don’t need to explain why)… I have found new challenges this second time around, and a lot of them revolve around having two to care for instead of just one. I also must say I have found my son’s current age (2 1/2) to be the most challenging (Need I say terrible two’s?).
So, that brings me to the title of today’s blog insert. If you had asked me what I couldn’t have lived without with my first baby I would have said the boppy pillow since Nathan nursed for hours each day. Now, the second time around I would say the one baby item I can’t live without (and, wow, if only I had this with Nathan) is my New Native baby sling!!!!!!
With Nathan I tried the Baby Bjorn carrier and wore him in it one time and he screamed for me to get him out of it. It had so many straps and buckles that by the time I got him in it was a lost cause!!! It reminded me of a backpack! lol! Then, a friend of mine gave me a Moby wrap. I know lots of mom’s love their Moby wraps but I just could never get it on right. Basically, its 6 yards of fabric in one long piece and thats it! You wrap it around you and knot it. I am tall and thin and it always seemed I had too much fabric and I always worried it’d come unknotted… it just wasn’t for me…
THEN, I asked around and Leaf and Mel suggested the New Native sling. I ordered it online and it was $49 with shipping. I ordered one that had an improper stitch but they repaired it before reselling it to me and it was a lot less then what their new ones sell for… and its in perfect shape! It is basically a carrier that you put over one shoulder and there is a pocket you slip the baby into.
Autumn LOVES it. She is a really easy going baby (Nathan had colic, so I know the difference!! lol) and on rare occasions she will cry even though she’s been fed, diapered, etc. If I place her in the sling and walk around she stops crying. I really think it makes her think she is in my womb again. When she sleeps in it she makes the cutest noises in her sleep that show how relaxed she is… Also, when she is in it my hands are free to tend to Nathan, to clean, etc.!! Its WONDERFUL!
I also took Nathan to a story time and she slept in it the entire time. I went to Target and BabiesRUs this week and instead of bringing her in the store in the car seat I wore her in the sling!! And she sleeps!!! I just cannot explain in words how wonderful this sling is.. also, she is so close to me that strangers don’t comment or come up and touch her like they would if her car seat was on the cart.
I just hold my coat shut around her and myself from the car to the store..darn winter temps!!
Here are a few pitures I just had to share…