Last year I set 3 goals every month for myself and I accomplished a lot! This year, I wanted to down play it even more and just set ONE goal for myself. However, with just one goal each month I hope to devote more time to it. You can find an update on May’s Goal below.
In June…
In June I want to go through an entire blog redesign! I figure this will be the perfect time since we are entering the lazy days of summer AND I can get it wrapped up before our vacations in July!
The last time I redesigned my blog was in 2013. I used Smitten Design and I plan to use them again! I am going to have my header redone, a logo and I’m also going to move to WORDPRESS! Eek! Yes, I’m a little scared! Smitten Design is also going to do a lot more, but I’ll save you from all of the boring details.
Basically, I am starting to feel like I’m outgrowing blogger. It is limiting what I need to do with this space. I also want a CLEANER and simpler design. I LOVE my design now, but it’s too cutesy. In 2013 I was looking to be ONLY a crafting blog, but now I’ve found that this blog is definitely a lifestyle blog. Less really is more these days and I also need everything to be laid out in a way that functions better. Redesigning this blog will definitely be a good investment.
My husband and I have talked and we’ll probably be using SiteGround for a hosting server and WordFence for security.
Smitten Design takes about 15 days to complete the design and move everything over to WordPress, so I should be done with all of this by the end of JUNE! I really can’t wait!
Here is my May Goals Recap:
In May I wanted to start to get some things together for our two upcoming vacations!
This is what I accomplished:
- I have all of our Fast Passes Booked!
- Planned Out Disney Outfits for myself and the kids. I may make some changes, since we have a month still, however I have a list of what we’re wearing each day.
- Disney Mail… I have a lot of inexpensive items purchased for Disney Mail. I plan to surprise the kids with gifts from ‘Mickey and Minnie’ every morning. I need to figure out if I have enough items for all 6 days. I also need to purchase some inexpensive trading pins and lanyards still from Amazon or Etsy.
Riviera Maya, Mexico:
- I did do a lot of research on the restaurants, what the spa offers and I read a lot of reviews on TripAdvisor. I feel as though I know what to expect and also some things to avoid while there (apparently even though it’s all inclusive, they will still try to get you to buy ‘special’ drinks AND there is some sort of vacation time share package they’ll try to sell us when we check in and we need to avoid that). We’re also thinking about maybe upgrading to a swim out pool room.
- I still haven’t purchased an additional swimsuit for this trip… I also need to figure out what I’m going to wear. We do need to dress up a little for dinner at some of the restaurants and I’m excited about that! I love an excuse to dress up. I did put in a recent order to Stitch Fix and I mentioned I was looking for a dress for our vacation and some cute summer tops, so I’ll be sharing what they sent later this month!
I’m going to need to schedule a few guests posts for while we’re on vacation. I already have one person signed up. If anyone is interested for doing a guest post in early July, shoot me an email at carrie(at)curlycraftymom(dot)com.
What goals do you have for June?