curly crafty mom
Let me help to make your life easier
I believe sharing is caring and hope to make my readers lives easier and more enjoyable.
My name is Carrie and I am the owner of Curly Crafty Mom. I enjoy sharing easy recipes, how to live healthier, decor and fashion on here. As a busy wife and mom, I enjoy sharing what works for me and as a result I hope to make your life simpler!
I’ve been blogging for a long time, since 2008 when my daughter was born! My blog has evolved from a mom blog to more of a lifestyle blog, so you’ll see a touch of everything from my life on here! Enjoy!

Meet Carrie
Owner + Designer
A little about ME… I’m a child of God, married to my middle school sweetheart, Brian, I’m the mom to two teens (one in college and one in high school), mom to 3 precious ragdoll cats (Rose, Ollie Bear and Aurora), I’ve ran 20 half marathons and 1 marathon, love fashion and decor and iced coffee is my favorite drink.
I’d like to say THANK YOU for stopping by to read about my life. I feel honored you’ve gotten this far and hope to see you around!
a few of my favorite things
What is my current goal?
Sub 2:00 hour half marathon!
Coffee order
Venti Blonde Vanilla with Whip
Couldn’t live without
God, My Family and Coffee (hee, hee!)
Favorite destination
Paris, France
My guilty pleasure
Doritos, Hostess Cupcakes
Favorite ColorS
White and Gold
My two ragdolls, Ollie & Aurora!
Having my kids & Chicago Marathon

Meet Curly Crafty Mom

Carrie Albrecht
Digital Content Creator, Website Developer and Photographer.